Are you tired of the chaos that often accumulates in your understairs closet? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with closet organization. But with a few clever tricks, you can transform this much-needed storage area into a helpful tool in no time. Our blog post today will present the steps needed for organizing your under-the-stairs closet, so grab a notebook, and let's get started!
1. Decide on How You Want the Space to Be Used
Don't worry about its current contents; think about how you would ideally use the space. Take a moment to think about what you would do with it if you could start from scratch. Maybe you'd like it to serve multiple purposes, functioning as a versatile storage space with an efficient system to keep things organized. This is totally doable. Just make a detailed list of everything you plan to store in the closet.
2. Clean up
Start by getting your closet in order. If possible, take out everything, including storage racks and shelves. If your closet has carpet, tile, or hardwood flooring, give it a good cleaning and make sure it's completely dry if you've mopped or treated it.
Take a cloth and clean the baseboards and any built-in fixtures. Check the walls for cobwebs. If there's a musty smell, grab an odor absorber and place it in the empty closet for the recommended duration to get rid of any unpleasant odors before you start putting things back in.
3. Clear the Clutter
Now, let's tackle the items you removed from the closet. Take a closer look at all the jackets, shoes, and seasonal accessories from your closet under the stairs, and evaluate each item's condition and whether you still use it.
Create three piles: one for things that should go back in the closet, another for items that belong in different storage spaces, and a third for things you'd like to donate or dispose of.
4. Make any Necessary Repairs
If you spot any dents or holes in the walls, it's time to make those repairs. And if you're feeling creative, consider giving the walls and ceiling of your under-the-stairs closet a fresh coat of paint. Opt for an eggshell finish instead of a flat finish, as it's more resilient and easier to wipe clean.
5. Create an Organized Structure
For items you don't use very often, consider placing them at the back of the closet, which can be a bit trickier to access.
Place floating shelves on either side of the closet, adjusting the number based on the dimensions of the wall. If you opt for floating shelves, make sure there's enough space beneath the lowest shelf for items you want to place directly on the floor, such as baskets, small appliances, or a shoe rack.
Maximize the vertical wall space by adding hooks for additional storage, and make use of the inside of the closet door with an over-the-door rack for holding smaller items.
6. Fill and Organize
The final step is to fill up the closet. Start by placing the larger items in the back, and finish with the smaller items on the front.
Utilize smaller boxes and baskets on the shelves to keep things neat, add labels as needed, and try to group similar items together whenever possible.
Following these steps will help you maintain a well-organized under-the-stairs closet.

Organizing your under-the-stairs closet can be a rewarding project that not only maximizes your space but also makes your life more efficient. By following the this guide, you can transform a cluttered, overlooked area into a functional and organized storage solution. Remember to declutter, make necessary repairs, create an efficient organizational structure, and carefully stock the closet. With a little creativity and effort, your under-the-stairs closet can become a well-organized and aesthetically pleasing part of your home, making your daily routines easier and more enjoyable. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to turn that extra space under the stairs into a hidden gem of organization and functionality!
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